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Langue : English

Catégorie : Tickets

Marque : TCC

Niveau : Easy

Référence : WONDERTUBE

The Bill Tube Triple Transposition is reborn.

Ticket transpositions borrowed and signed in the two brass tubes sealed and nested, locked in a tied velvet bag!

Recently, we asked ourselves a question: How to captivate the public from the start of a magic round and keep it captivated until the end, by creating a memorable and lasting experience?

It is with this in mind that we discovered A unique magical effect: the Bill Tube.

The effect:

In this classic tour, a ticket borrowed from the public and signed mysteriously disappears. Then the public is presented with a sealed brass tube. They open the lock, unscrew the lid and, to their amazement, find the ticket well sheltered inside.

But imagine this: The brass tube is first locked in a well closed velvet bag. By opening the brass tube lock, we discover inside another smaller tube. The public spends more than 10 seconds unscrewing the lid of the small tube, to finally discover the ticket inside.

This structure of the Wonder Tube instantly creates A triple transposition effect. What makes it special is the high level of participation of the public. Most manipulations are carried out by the public himself, which strengthens his feeling of involvement and enchantment towards magic!

We have meticulously designed the whole using brass as the main material for young and large brass tubes, in order to guarantee visual and tactile aesthetics. The unique structure of the Gimmick pushed us to reach The greatest precision in manufacturing, which made it possible to obtain an impeccable appearance. We also included a velvet bag, not only to add an additional layer of transposition to the effect, but also as a practical accessory to store brass tubes during impromptu representations.

Experience the ultimate beauty of texture and magic with the Wonder Tube. Its potential extends beyond the transposition of tickets, since it can be integrated transparently into your routines To transport cards or notes signed.

Let yourself be surprised by the magnificent Wonder Tube of TCC!

Features :

  • Triple Instant Transposition
  • Great public involvement
  • Aesthetic brass material
  • Precise gimmick and impeccable appearance

The whole understands:

  • Large brass tube with gimmick
  • A small brass tube
  • Brass padlock and key
  • Scarf
  • A velvet bag
  • (Please note that the objects of daily life presented in the trailer, such as elastics and colored paper, are not included).

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

L'ajustement des 2 tube est parfait.
Une très bonne alternative pour le "billet dans le tube", à voir la patine du laiton dans le temps , la qualité du matériau me semblant en retrait par rapport à la version classique à un tube dont je dispose.
Attention à bien voir les vidéo avant de manipuler les tubes (ne pas "ouvrir complétement" les gimmick) sous peine de rendre inutilisable le tour.
Un point important, à prendre en compte avant d'acquérir ce matériel : la fermeture du gimmick est relativement "bruyante" dans un environnement silencieux... A voir si avec le temps cela s'atténue.
Concernant le cadenas fourni, je ne suis pas sûr qu'il durera non plus dans le temps, car j'en ai eu du même type pour d'autres effets qui on très vite lâchés, mais ce n'est pas un problème car ces modèles se trouvent facilement et ne sont pas chers.
A part ces 2 derniers points, rien à redire sur le rapport qualité / prix du matériel et son fonctionnement parfait.