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david regal

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Langue : French

Catégorie :

Niveau : Easy enough


Now in French version!

The long & short of it is not a card tour.

The long & short of it is not a turn of the piece.

The long & short of it is the magic explosion of David Regal From the classic illusion of boomerang, a complete performance piece full of wonder and amusement, adapted to all ages. Laughter and dressings combine while the pieces of wood seem to change size in always more intriguing colored combinations.

An elegant burgundy bag contains four pieces of wood painted in bright colors and custom made. The routine theme can be adapted to its audience:

A public hypnosis demonstration

A reconstruction of the time you taught in kindergarten

A look at poor quality control

The reason why you failed in geometry

The miracle of "modular wood"

The power of suggestion

What happened when you tried to assemble this Ikea thing

Or even...

The techniques behind the classic architecture (the regal routine)

The long & short of it adds elements to the classic accessory which are doors to comic opportunities and magic chaos. It's three minutes of pleasure, overflowing with moments of astonishment, signed David Regal!