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peter eggink

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Langue : English

Catégorie : Rings

Marque : Empty Hand Productions

Niveau : Advance

Référence : RINGHOLE

The classic "Ring Flight" is an incredible magic number - what could be better against the spectator? Ringhole takes this classic at another level. Even more magical. Even more impossible. The Ring Flight evolves with this effect of Peter Eggink & Alex Latorre !

The effect:

Borrow a ring from a spectator And make this ring disappear as if by magic and visually at the end of your fingers, like real magic. You explain that their ring has actually passed through the "black hole", in another dimension ...

Then, with your empty hand, you reach your pocket (jacket or pants) and remove a bag of candy. The spectator opens the bag of candy sealed in the factory ... To find inside, between the candies ... the ring borrowed!

Ringhole is delivered with a gimmick and an object specially designed to seal the Gim-Mick candy bag. (Use your own candy bag).