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Langue : Anglais

Bonus : Explications vidéo en Français

Catégorie :

Niveau : Assez facile

Référence : PHANTOM

This is not really a novelty, but a nice new version is now available. Easy to present and very convincing, it is superior in all areas.

You give a spectator a solid brass padlock and ask him to open it. This is obviously impossible without the key. You then produce a magnificent long wine glass containing an appropriate key, which you slide into the spectator's hand. This one uses the key to open the padlock, then closes it to ensure that the key and lock work properly. The spectator keeps the key in his hand.

Important detail : The key is not changed. The spectator himself places the padlock closed in the wine glass. You then cover the glass with a nice cloth and shake it slightly, suggesting the ballotis of the padlock against the glass. Then, you shake a little louder ... A distinct noise is heard, as if the padlock had broken the glass! You remove the cloth, and the public is amazed: the padlock crossed the glass and found itself firmly locked around its foot.

The spectator can then have the glass and open the padlock with the key he held throughout the experience. Everything takes place exactly as described, to the surprise of your audience. If that doesn't fascinate them ...

A spectacular magic trick, with a solid brass padlock and an elegant fabric with attractive patterns. It is not a simple children's padlock, but a real solid padlock, which does not give the impression that all the locks can be opened with the same small key.

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