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dominique duvivier

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Langue : French

Catégorie : Cards

Marque : Mayette Modern Magic

Niveau : Easy

Référence : PERFECTPOK

The really perfect poker demonstration?!

The effect:

  1. The spectators freely determine each card constituting each of the five hands of poker
  2. Spectators freely choose which poker hand will be that of the magician
  3. The magician wins with a square of ace!
  4. And he proves that he had planned in advance the totality of his poker hand (which cards and in what order)
  5. And in addition an incredible final

Strong points :

  • Very easy to do.
  • Extremely stunning.
  • Several routines offered.

You receive :

  • Cards specially printed by USPC in Rider Back bicycle.
  • Video explanations with lots of bonuses.

What they think:

"Perfect Poker is really perfect!" It seems absolutely impossible. Yet I know it can be done, since I saw Mr. Duvivier do it! Ingenious. »» - Bill Kalush

"It's really perfect !!! »» - Christian Engbrom