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james anthony

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Référence : OUTOF

Out of the Blue is a diabolical effect. It has an instant disappearance and an impossible location revealing TV style reactions to your audience.

Effect : The magician shows a playing cards Bicycle - Half are red and half blue. After showing the blue cards, a spectator holds these blue cards. A second spectator chooses a card from the remaining red cards. Their instant card ... and we hear instantly ... disappears from the red game! The first spectator then rushes towards the blue cards that the magician never touched, to find a red back map facing down. They return it to reveal that this is the chosen card!

Created by James Anthony. Out of the Blue is not only simple to execute and almost autonomous, but it is a routine that you can instantly add to your professional directory.

Strong points :

  • Easy to make
  • Fast reset
  • Specially printed gaff bicycle cards
  • Multiple effects
  • Bring a TV style magic to your audience