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Catégorie : Cardistry


From the spirit of Joe Feldpausch in 2017 comes the Black Hole Orbits edition!

Joe and I talked about this idea for years, but we have never found a way to accomplish what we wanted, so we put it aside. 7 years later, we found a way to give life to his idea and transformed it into a neat final product with the help of my other half, The legend herself, Daniel Schneider, for illustration.

The cards have been printed at Cartamundi and have been in pre-production for more than a year. It took us a long time to get there. The hole has the exact dimensions of the interior of our orbit o signature on the back of the card. All faces of the cards are distorted around the black hole.

The game opens the door to new sockets, new movements, and a completely new look and feeling. We plan to make it at least a few additional editions.

This game is for both cardists and magicians, collectors and space enthusiasts.

Come and discover what is hidden inside a black hole ...

Characteristics of the game:

  • Draw: 10,000 units around the world.
  • Slimline
  • Real LIN finish B9
  • Printed in Cartamundi in Belgium
  • 2024 - Orbit