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john graham

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Langue : Anglais

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Catégorie : Cartes

Marque : Vanishing Inc.

Niveau : Facile


A Commercial Effect with an emotional hook that never fails to leave a lasting printing.

Name Dropper by John Graham and Vanishing Inc. is like a powerful card trick and mind-blagowing Mentalism Trick Wrapped Up One Neat Package. You not only divine a chosen card, but also a freely chosen name.

It starts by Bringing Out A Small Packet Of Red Cards with some Markings on the Back. You explain how you don the audience to know what they know just yet and then place them under the card box (which stays on the table throughout the routine).

Someone then selects A Card from a Blue Deck While They Think of A Person Who is special to them. You not only divine this card, but a predicated it before things even started.

Before they even have a chance to recover from this amazing moment, you kick Things into another gear.

All be careful is Backt Back to the Red Cards from Earlier. Those Strange Markings are revealed to be letters. Not Just Any Letters Though. As you slowly deal them down one at a time, Everyone Will Freak Out When They Realize That They Spell The Name of the Person They Were Thinking of.

This plot was first popularized by Paul Harris, Whose "Deep Astonishment" Trick Served as the inspiration for John Graham. Name Dropper Is Being Released with a full wounding from Paul. Not Only that, but Paul also Commends John for the Ways He's made the Routine More Practical-Particularly for Close-Up Workers and Table-Hopping Magicians.
  • Easy to Learn and Perform
  • No Sleight of Hand or Palms
  • No Magnets or Gimmicked Wallets
  • No extra cards that need to be conceived
  • No 4-Word Limitations
  • Moment reset
This special release from Vanishing Inc. Marks the First Time Name Dropper has been available as a complete package that's ready to go out of the box. The Fully Custom DECK OF CARDS IS PRINTED ON PREMIUM Bicycle Stock and COMES ACCOMPANIED BY A GORGEOUS LEATHER PACKET WALLET THAT NEATLY HOLDS YOUR PREDICTION CARDS.

John Shares Every Detail You Need To Start Performing Right Away in the detailed explanation video. This included a bonus section where his friend as Wind Joins Him to discuss the subtleties needed to get the most bang for your buck out of the routine.

Name Dropper is well without the ranges of Magicians of Any Skill Level. There is Basalely Onely One "Move". It's not only easy to do but hapens on has perfectly choreographerd off-beat. John Has Even developed a crib that hides in plain sign, Ensuring you don't have to do any memorization to start performing.

Get your copy of Name Dropper TODAY AND UNCOVER THE POWER THAT LIES Within a name!

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