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boris wild

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Langue : French

Catégorie : Cards

Référence : VARIATION

The routines explained in this book are based on the shoulders of contemporary or past magicians whose effects made Boris Wild wanted to create personal variations, whether in terms of method or presentation, having a single objective: Have a maximum magic impact on the public.

Over the pages, you will discover new original variations on the most popular themes of cartomagie: incredible divinations, spectacular revelations, visual color changes, impossible card effects ...

This book, accessible to all and illustrated by almost eighty photos, has been designed so that you can learn each phase as clearly as possible and thus easily control all the routines described in detail by Boris. In addition, most of these routines require only an ordinary game that can even be borrowed.

Finally, after each explanation, you will find additional variations that will allow you to go even further in routines and personalize them a little more through ideas, techniques and presentations that you can adapt to your style.

Boris Wild variations will not fail to bluff you and surprise your audience!


  • Foreword
  • Zoom 9: A routine with a game borrowed doable in public or by interposed webcam in which the magician manages to find a chosen card without ever touching the cards and while he has his back turned until the time of the final revelation.
  • Arcaan: an original card routine with the number where the magician shows several methods which are unfortunately unsuccessful to find a card freely named to the last where he manages to return the card invisibly in the game to a position also freely chosen .
  • The ambitious map of the number: a freely chosen card is clearly lost towards the end of the game. The spectator names a number also freely chosen. The magician then goes up the chosen card not on top of the game but to the position corresponding to the chosen number and it is the spectator herself who counts the cards to check it.
  • Predicolor: After showing an opaque envelope containing a prediction card, the magician shows a red game and asks a spectator to name a number. Without the slightest suspicious movement, he counts the faces cards up to the chosen number and then takes out the envelope prediction card. After a gag that suggests that the prediction card was not one, the magician shows that the red back of this card corresponding to that of the spectator's card and that it is the only one because the backs of all the Other cards are different and multicolored.
  • Invisiquiz: A freely chosen card in a borrowed game is lost without the slightest ambiguity. The magician asks the spectator several questions, some serious and others more unusual or even eccentric, and spends the answers by isolating each time the last card distributed. Although he has not seen them, the magician is convinced that the card chosen is one of those set aside. He extracts it invisibly from the small package, shows that the chosen card is missing and entrusts it to the spectator who then launches it invisibly in the package to make it reappear upside down among the others.
  • Double divination impossible: two spectators each look at a card in the game each while the magician has his back turned. The cards are then mixed several times in a row and, despite these extreme conditions, the magician infallibly manages to guess the two cards chosen.
  • Color Changing Chicago: From a red game spread over at the top, a spectator names a card at random. Without the slightest suspect movement, the magician turns the game and shows that there is a blue back card in spreading. He returns it most clearly in the world: this is the named card. He in turn chooses a card that changes place with that of the spectator, becoming a blue back card while that of the spectator becomes red again. Then she finds her color red and it is all the game that becomes momentarily blue before becoming red as at the start.
  • Technique: “Cull”
  • Sources