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Buzzer, a new accessory essential to add comedy to your numbers! Whether you are a clown, a magician or a host, Buzzer is an accessory for you!

Burzzer is a detector that will always be under your control. He will start "buzzer" when you wish! Burzzer is a truth detector, a virility or femininity detector, a gold detector ...  

Some examples :

In magic for children, you invite a spectator to assist you. But you have to test his good faith and take out a truth detector. This one "buzze" as soon as a lie is pronounced! From there, you can imagine all the possible and imaginable questions that will cause the laughter of the public!

In the same way, by inviting a group of adults, you can test their virility ... And the most virile is not necessarily the one who has the most appearance!

In animation, it will designate a group that will be receptive!

In short, you are only limited by your imagination!

Strong points :

  • Works on battery
  • Climax manufacturing
  • Very simple to use
  • Guaranteed laughter!