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Langue : Anglais

Catégorie : Cartes

Niveau : Facile

Référence : SIXPACK

Sixpack, the turn to +6 million views on social networks is making a comeback!

Here is an ultimate weapon that you are a beginner or confirmed magician!

Imagine a devastating effect ... with the simplicity of using a radio game!

Don't you think this possible? Watch above the viral video of Jérémy Marouani user of Sixpack of Riemer Ferry in real conditions!

If you thought you saw everything, you may not have seen Sixpack yet. A brilliant and very visual card tour thanks to which Your spectators will be amazed six times in a tour with a unique game.

The effect:

You get out of your pocket a playing cards blue back with different faces. The cards are well mixed. You bring the deck together, make a magic gesture (for example, slam the fingers) and now show that the game is made up of faces with all the same value, let's say the queen of tile!

Maybe "it went too fast for the spectators", so make another magic gesture (a cut) and now all the queens have gone to the three of spades (for example)!

The magician says that it was only possible if he secretly changed a game and he did it! To prove it, he now returns the same hidden face package and all the cards become on the back green bicycle!

Then he takes one of the three of spades and changes it into a red card. But wait ... now all the cards are changed in red? !! Now it freely shows all the red backs. But how is it possible, they have also become all indifferent (normal).

Finally, the magician takes the blue case but notes that the cards are (always) red. So now, for the final, he changes the whole game in all regular blue back cards!

Sixpack is, you will understand, a very visual and breathtaking magic round with only one playing cards fake, bicycle brand. This will be enough to turn the heads of your spectators and to fall from their chair as this effect is stunning! 

Strong points :

  • No changes during the performance,
  • Professional gimmick cards, handmade,
  • Very easy to do,
  • Strong impact on spectators,
  • A unique bicycle game for a succession of effects (6!).
  • Online video instructions in original English + Jeremy Marouani routine as a bonus, in French.

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Francois M. (Paris, FR)
Excellent tour

J'ai recu rapidement mes cartes, le tour est excellent, rapide à apprendre et la vidéo de tutoriel dont on a acces bien faite

Johan F. (Lognes, FR)
Simple et efficace !

Même si non examinable, avec une belle chorégraphie, ce tour fera briller les yeux de nombreux spectateurs !

Olivier P.

Parfait !

Eric P. (Lentilly, FR)
Très impactant sur les spectateurs

Une fois bien pris en main la chorégraphie le spectateur reste bouché bée, ne pas lui laisser le temps d'analyser ce qui vient de se passer et enchainer avec un autre tour, j'adore

Jean-marie C. (Arras, FR)

Satisfait du produit

Franck C.


Philippe J. (Épône, FR)
Indispensable !

Avec un tout petit peu d'entrainement les changements de couleurs sont parfaitement fluides. L'effet est bluffant et très visuel.
Bien sûr le jeu ne peut pas être laissé à l'examen, mais de toute façon le spectateur se doute bien que le jeu n'est pas ordinaire.

Michel P. (Brussels, BE)
Six packs

Superbe effet en plusieurs etapes

anton d. (Waregem, BE)

Bon produit il fonctionne super bien visuellement

Philippe P. (Rouen, FR)
bel impacte

Tour ingénieux qui nécessite un peu de travail de mise en main, mais qui augure d'un bel effet...