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Join the school of magicians and challenge your friends ...

With the "Magic School Junior" box, you will make 101 super magic rounds !

This box includes among others:

- Magic goblets: Three magic balls will in turn pass through cups, without your audience being able to detect the slightest hoax.
- Disappearance of a room: Thanks to a superb completely rigged foureau, a coin will disappear before the eyes of amazed spectators and reappear as soon as the magician wishes thanks to a simple small magic pass.
- Reconstituted rope: a completely ordinary rope will be cut in half inside a very special case. By repositioning the two compartments of the housing together, the rope will miraculously be reconstituted without any visible trace of cuts or tear.
- Girl cut in three: you will be able to cut into three very distinct pieces a superb young girl before reconstituting it without him appearing no trace of cuts or tear.
- The magic egg cup: the ball inside the cup has supernatural powers. She can for example travel in a flash of your pocket to the inside of the egging room, to leave so quickly in your pocket.
- Magic podium: here is an accessory that will allow you to do lots of extraordinary things. You will be able to transform a coin into pieces of paper, for example or even transform a 10 ct piece into a 20 ct room! etc...
And many other magic tricks and funny accessories to surprise your friends!

The "Magic School Junior" box contains all the equipment necessary to make 101 laps of magic.
Clear and detailed explanations in French.
From 4 years old.