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rocco kult

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Langue : Anglais

Bonus : Explications vidéo en Français

Catégorie :

Marque : Penguin Magic

Référence : THEEYE

Tear your eye from its orbit, put it in your mouth, and your audience will be breathless when it takes a look around you! Then restore your eye in its normal state thanks to this offbeat, frightening and breathtaking effect!

This effect of transformation of the body will certainly earn you looks when you present The Eye de Rocco Kult.

The effect:

You show your empty hand, then you hold your hand towards your eye and cover it for a moment. When your hand moves away, the orbit of your eye is only a black and empty orbit. Your mouth opens and, as incredible as it may seem, your eye is now in your mouth, rolling and looking at everything there is to see! You then remove your eyeball from your mouth and put it back in your orbit. If you wish, you can immediately examine your eyeball.

The Eye is delivered with everything you need to achieve this strange and wonderful effect. The eye is a success on Rocco's social networks and a favorite of bizarre artists from around the world. Made with non -toxic materials by a Magician from Columbus (Ohio), this gadget is very fun to use. Rocco teaches you several routines, including the eye that comes out of the mouth and a fun routine where you transform your eye globe into a twenty-five cents piece.

You will seem to be at home in a Tim Burton film when you present The Eye by Rocco Kult & Penguin Magic.

What the pros say:

"I jumped when I saw that ... This is one of those things that we want to see again and again." - Paul Romhany

"It's fantastic! I love it! " - Eric Ross

"I love this film! My type of bizarre visual magic. " - Magik Time (Alex APRICIO)

"It looks like something that comes straight out of Men in Black. Rocco has made a special effect that works, it's really great! " - Luke Oseland

"Keep an eye on it!" »» - Magick Balary

Patent n ° 10 960 321.

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