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Langue : Anglais

Bonus : Explications vidéo en Français

Catégorie : Jetons

Marque : Murphy's Magic

Niveau : Facile

Référence : CHIPSPETTY

Three poker chips. One perfect prediction

Craig Petty is back with another jackpot, Walkaround Miracle!

Picture this: 3 poker chips are out on the table. You Ask Somebody to Think of Any Playing Card. You make three bets, one by one, with each chip gooi into their hand. First on the follows, second on the value and thirdly ... you bet that you knew their card from the Very Beginning.

Slowly, you turn each chip over to reveal the exact name of their thought of card printed across the back of the three poker chips!

It's that clean and that direct!

Here's the stuff you want to know:
  • No switches
  • No forces
  • Any card can be thought of
  • Perform Surrounded
  • Easy to do
  • One Basic Sleight
  • Small packs. Plays Big!
COMES COMPLETE With High Quality Poker Chips and All The Special Props You Need To Make This Work. Refined Over Months of Dedicated Work by A Team of Engineers, Craig has managed to streamline running you need into one beautiful, Practical Product.

Craig Petty Delivers You Over 2 Hours of In-Depth Tuition and Live Performances, Leaving No Stone Left Unturned Plus Dozens of Creative Routines and Tricks to Help Let You Get the Most of This Incredible Effect. Plus, as a bonus, we've thrown in a creative jam session with lloyd barnes who reveals even more outside of the box ideas for ways to use Big Blind.

If you are Looking for the Next Best Trick That's Sure To Blow Your Audience Away, then Big Blind is What You've Been Waing for! We'd bet the house on it.

Big Blind is a unique barnburner trick that's perfect for walkaround, parlor, internship and even tv.


"Big Blind Might Just Be My Favorite Petty Effect! Super innovative, Super Direct, and of Race Super Satisfying to Perform. Can't Wait to put it into my set! "
- Kyle Purnell

"Big Blind Is Hands Down the Ultimate Playing Card Reveal. It's flawlessly routined, and let me tell you, it's rare for an effect to make it into my set-bed Big Blind? This One is Never Leaving! Why? Because the reactions this gets are absolutely through the roof! Wow !!! "
- Joel Dickinson

"Big Blind Is Another Winner from Craig Petty. In New Take on Classic Mentalism Method That Will Fry People's Mind! It's Really Clever and Has So Many Applications for Close Up and Stage "
- Luca Volpe

"I love when magicians can reinvent Ways of TooT Old Methods and turn them Into Miracles! Big Blind is Quick, Simple, and Powerful! Easy to Learn and the Reactions Are Insane! I Love that the chips are on display from the beginning and Switched!
- Michael O'Brien

"It's Only Two Weeks Into 2025 and Craig Has Thrown His Hat Straight Into the Ring With A Contender for Trick Of The Year. It's a super minimal piece of mentalism which allows you to use Three Printed Poker Chips to Reveal Named Card. The Chips ARE COMPLETELY Examilitable, The Handling is Easy, and the OUTCOME is Guarantee.
- Mark Elsdon

"What a Brilliant Idea! Seriously, It's Great! If you need to reveal a truly thought of card, this is a safe bet."
- Christmas Qualter

"I love the Simplicity of it. Three chips are in full view the Whole Time ... a card is named, and it's printed on the back of the chips. You can get more direct that that. It's brilliant. Highly recommended ! "
- Henry Harrius

"Craig Showed Me The Prototype of Big Blind A Couple of Years Ago, and I was Instantly Impressed. It's a Fantastic Effect That Fits My Style Perfectly. The Premise is engaging, and the Reveal is Guaranrald to Leave Your Audience Stunned! , and hard hitting this is the kind of effect that truly stands out.
- Peter Nardi

"Big Blind Is Craig's Best Trick. Hands Down! When He First Showed Me This I was Complely Foolded. I WANTED it. I needed it. I loved it! "
- Chris James.

"Big Blind is a big hit! It's a winning combination of an incredibly powerful reveal coupled with a streamlined solution that make this a sure! I love it! "
- David Jonathan

"Big Blind, 3 chips, one powerful reveal that they won't see come! This is Going Straight Into My Act! "
- Daniel Chard

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
olivier .. (La Rochelle, FR)
the Big blind

le tour est excellent , le choix du spectateur est libre , pas de forçage, et l'explication vidéo et bien filmé , pour ceux qui ne comprenne pas toujours l'anglais comme moi ! et facile à transporté sur soi .

Seb (Paris, FR)

Superbe tour de jetons pour jouer les mentalistes 😎