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tobias dostal

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DÉDOUANEMENT EN COURS. Réservez votre exemplaire de cette PÉPITE !
Langue : Anglais

Bonus : Explications vidéo en Français

Catégorie : Liquide

Marque : Ellusionist

Niveau : Assez facile


Favorite of the MD team!

There is magic, and then there is the magic of Tobias Dostal - where everything you thought to know is thrown out the window.

By the creator of the 2024 Repo and Liquify world bestsellers!

Liquid Spectrum is Tobias' point of view on surrealism - where objects found, transform and comply with your will. The same man who manipulates the shadows extended his talents to liquids ... and what he created will upset you.

For years, Tobias has shimped these liquid miracles during conventions, in particular During his conference at the 2023 Magic Dream meeting, Magic murmurs that should not be possible ... people doubted it. Most thought it was a myth! We are here to tell you that it's real. And now this miracle is finally within your reach!

Press ink From a Sharpie - before their eyes - and transform it into a solid pen cap as if you rewrite the rules of matter.

Run ketchup or spicy sauce on the table, then dip a stick that will turn into a lollipop.

Melt a lighter In a puddle of plastic, watch it deform in your hand, then twist it to make it a rubber duck.

Defain science by bleeding and transforming it into pink.

Pour someone's drink, then go back When the liquid returns to the bottle.

Deform solid metal With empty hands, then form a real coin.

And many other things!

This is not a single type of turn. Liquid Spectrum is the most awaited outing in the history of Ellusionist - and it is a complete project on the manipulation, fusion and morphing of liquids.

Everyone has heard of it, but no one has it ... for the moment. Book your copy of this nugget now!

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
John s. (Nice, FR)

Un effet très visuel avec plusieurs gimmick dispo. Je recommande

Jose l.M.m. (Seville, ES)
El mejor efecto de magia que he tenido hasta ahora

Y la tienda me mandaron súper rápido el producto.