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liam levanon

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Langue : Anglais

Bonus : Explications vidéo en Français

Catégorie : Cartes

Marque : Alakazam Magic

Niveau : Facile


Here is Total Recall, the idea of ​​Liam Levanon, creator of the inverto successful effects and Ishihara Test.

Liam presented Total Recall to Alakazam Magic for the first time during the prestigious agreement of Blackpool in 2023, and This masterpiece instantly conquered all hearts.

The genius of Total Recall lies in its simplicity And in the way he places the spectator under the lights of the ramp.

Here's how it goes:

You start by explaining the concept of Total Recall - the rare ability to remember strongly and to describe with precision what we have seen.

A playing cards came out of his box and placed in front of the spectator.

He is invited to absorb as much information as possible. 

Then you ask three direct questions:

Question : Has something attracted your attention?

Answer : Yes, a card has returned.

Question: Have you noticed that there were fewer image cards or numbers? Have you noticed that there were fewer illustrated cards or numbered cards?

Answer : Illustrated cards.

Question : OK, so fewer illustrated cards? If you had to quote an illustrated card that you are sure you haven't seen, which one would it be?

Answer: The valet of spades: The valet of spades (it is a completely free choice).

While you are traveling the game again, your spectator witnesses all the passing cards, including the illustrated cards, until you reach the hidden face card.

As expected, This is the card he named.

The front and back of the game can be shown openly!

The impact of Total Recall is undeniable, leaving the Amazed spectators and convinced of their new capacity.

This effect is not only powerful, it is also incredibly easy to make.

He is accompanied by a clever playing cards Personalized and a complete instruction video in English, which will allow you to master it effortlessly.

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