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Langue : Anglais

Catégorie : Cartes

Marque : Vanishing Inc.


The Particle System Is Joshua Jay's Groundbreaking Contribution to the World of Memorized Deck Magic.

As the name implies, this is not just another stack, but rather a complete system that is More Practical and 2x Easier to Memorize Than Any Other Memorized Deck. Combined with a variety of powerful build-in features, The Particle System UNLOCKS A WHOLE NEW WORLD OF CARD MAGIC POTENTIAL. It doesn't matter if you experience stack worker or have never attempted to memorize a deck in your life, Any Magician can Benefit from Reading The Particle System.

After Decades of Being a Loyal Student of the Aronson Stack, Josh Wanted to Design A Memorized Deck Arrangement that Solved Many of the Challenges Other Stacks Face. Across the 270+ Pages of this Stunning Hardcover Book, Josh Will Share Everthing He's Learned from More than 10 Years of Developing and Refinging The Particle System In Front of Real Audiences.

He not only teaches you the Ins and outs of the system, but also a variety of powerhouse routines put every action. While Many of these Effects can Technically be performed with any memorized deck arrangment, the real value comes from how the features of The Particle System can enhance them. More importantly, Josh Shows You How To Combine The Individual Routines Into Complete Professional Acts that allow you to Baffle and Entertain Audiences With Nothing More Just A Deck of Cards.

Reading The Particle System by Joshua Jay will not only reshape How You Approach Memorized Deck Magic, But Your Card Magic as a Whole. Just be Warned that you'll never want to leave home without a deck of cards in partic stack before again.

A Closer Look at the Particle System

Careful consideration was also given to create an arranging that looks Mixed but also has embedded safeguards that make it significantly easier to work with. You technically only need to memorize 26 cards because you know one card, you'll also quickly now where its mate is located. If Your Mind Completely Blanks on Where A Card is Located, there are great super simple formlas you can use to find it. It's also Quicker to Get Into Particle Stack Than Other Stacks, Particularly from New Deck Order.

The Particle Stack is a Combination of Unique Segments that each offered their distinct potential. This allows you to perform some of the strongest card Magic Tricks in the world without having to re-arrange the cards. You can also Easily Locate Cards with Near-Perfect Accuracy and, at Any Point, Are Just One Cut Away from A Jaw-Dropping final that serves as the perfect end to any card set.

While the arrangement of the "Particle Stack" Makes It Naturally Easier to Memorize, Josh simplified the process Even Further by Dedicating An Entire Section to Teaching you How to Memorize it. You even get access to a Custom Online Training Tool That Helps You Practice and Learn The Stack Even Quicker.

Additionally, since the success of Memorized Deck Magic Relie Heavay on the Audience Being Convinced that you are using genuinely mixed deck, Josh has include a substantial section Teaching his favorite false shuffles. These are All Largely Easy to Do, Extremely Convincing, and can be Applied to All of Your Card Work.

Hours of Video + Private Group Included

Each Book also Comes with Access to Hours of Professional Quality Footage. You'll get to see josh performing his favorite Particle System TRICKS FOR REAL AUDIENCES Before Sitting Down to Explain Everything You Need To Know. Beyond the Trick Explanations, He'll Dive Into Many Ways to Get in and Out of the Stack, a variety of Mind-Blowing Kickers You Can Take Advantage Of, and Even Clever Ways to Switch A Stacked Deck Into Play.

Old -fashioned The Particle System IS A Living Idea that is continually Evolving, You're also Going To Get Access to Private Facebook Group in Which Josh Will Regularly Share All His Best New Ideas and Advice.

At Gorgeous Hardcover

As you've come to expect from Vanishing Inc., The Leading Producer of the World's Finest Magic Books, The Book Itself is Breathtaking. This 274-Page Hardback Beauty Features A Cloth Linen Cover, Thick Glossy Pages, tons of Crystal-Clear Photos, and a convene Ribbon Bookmark. The Particle System Will undoubtedly be a standout addition to your magic library.

After Committing A Decade of His Life to Developing The Particle System, Joshua Jay is so excited to finully share this innovative tool with you. Grab A Copy and Unlock the Endless Potential Of The Particle System Today!

274 | Hardcover | 8.5in x 11in

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