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ondrej psenicka

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Catégorie : Brand

Référence : CARDSPINA

Victor Pina is a brilliant Spanish magician and a great friend of the Butterfly Magic store.

They have united our forces to produce a playing cards that he would love and would be proud to use in his shows. The design of this deck was created by the very talented Paulina Diaz from Chile.

Victor had a clear vision of the design of the deck. He wanted cards to look like "classics" - games like Arrco playing cards and Stud playing cards.

Ondrej spicy back design with a brand new marking system.

If you know the markings of butterfly playing cards, it's perfect, you will get used to it quickly!

The Pina game hidden two other magic features. It has a design of one -way backgrounds. We have adjusted the classic arco faces in the same way as we did in Butterfly Playing Cards.

We printed the PINA playing cards with the United States Playing Card Company on top quality top quality with a traditional cut. They will slide well when leaving the box and will last you for a long time.

Inside each Pina game, you will find two rigged cards: a blank card and a double side.

Edition limited to 2500 games.