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The routines presented are incredible handlings of three classics. 1 - To Copper/Silver Routine. 2 - With across routine corners. 3 - To Copper/Silver/Brass Routine. Features:
Routine #1 - "Theft Proof Purse":
Cody Begins by Displaying A Coin Purse Frame which He Shows in Both Hands to Show Both Hands Empty. He reaches in and grabs a British Copper Penny, then reaches in and retrieves an American half dollar. The Copper Coin is then placed back into the purse frame and invisible cove. The Purse Frame is Tabled. The Silver Coin is Picked Up, Closed in A Fist and Waved Over the Purse Frame. The Silver Coin Changes Places With The Invisible Copper Coin that is inside the purse frame. CODY OPENS The Purse Fame and Pulls Out The Silver Coin. Both corners are picked up, the silver is given to a spectator to hold. The copper corner is put back into the corner purse frame and invisible turns. The spectator opens her hand to reveal the copper corner is now in her hand. The Purse Frame is Laid on the spectator's hand, and the silver corner is Magicalely retrieved from it. Cody Picks Up the Coin Purse Frame, Drops in the Silver Coin, and Pockets the Copper Coin. Cody shows that the COPPER COST JUMPS BACK INTO THE PURSE FRAME, AND HE DUMPS IT OUT. The Copper Coin is Once Again Put Into the Pocket. As the spectator's believe the copper corner is about to return to the purse frame, cody pores a jumbo corner out of the purse frame.
Routine #2 - "Turtle Coins":
This is a corners across routine where oven corners are shown in the left hand. One at a time, Two Coins Travel from the Left to the right hand. The Two Right Hand Coins are put into spectator's hand and covered by Cody's right hand. Two corners are Shown in the Left. The Left Hand is closed, a clink is Heard, Cody's right hand is moved to show 3 corners in the spectator's hand, and one in his left. Lastly, All Four Coins are placed into the spectator's hand under the Guise of A Gag, and the Fourth Coin is Removed. CODY GRABS A LIGHTER, AND IGNITES THE LAST COIN, WHICH DISAPPEARS IN A FLASH, To APAUR in the spectator's closed hand.
Routine #3 - "Real World CSB":
A corner purse is dumped out to show a chinese coin and a Mexican 20 hundredvo that is Handed Out for Inspection. Cody Establishes that the Chinese Coin and the Centavo's value combined are 50 cents. Cody Removes A Half Dollar from His Pocket to Show One Coin of the Same Value of the Other Two. CODY PLACES THE THREE COINS IN ONE HAND AND REMOVES THE HALF DOLLAR. The Hands Are Turned Down Than Back Over to Reveal that the corners changed places. All Three Coins are placed into a spectator's hand and her hand is turned over. Cody Reaches in, Removes The Silver Coin. With a fluid wipe of his hand, the silver corner changes into the chinese corner and the centavo. The spectator opens her hand to reveal the silver half dollar. The three corners are lined up in cody's hand. The Silver Dollar is Removed, and then placed back into the right hand fist. Cody Invisibly Extracts the Chinese Coin and the Centavo and Drops Them Invisibly Back Into the Coin Purse. Cody's hand opens to reveal the silver corner, and the corner purse is opened to reveal the chinese corner and the centavo. Everything is examining.
As an Added Extra Bonus Cody ALSO Includes Additional Notes and Handling Tips for Real World CSB That Were Not Avaissable Before.