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Référence : BLACKOUT

Bl4ckUt by Quentin Bouchardon - Hacke the spirit of your spectators.

Discover Blackout, a real bible of mentalism with smartphone.

An object of everyday life that has become essential

The smartphone is everywhere. It is one of our lives, our intimacy, our habits. He knows everything about us. This object intrinsically linked to our mind is so omnipresent today that it is inconceivable not to exploit it in your mentalism services. Everyone has a phone in your pocket ... It’s a gold mine to make powerful effects in all circumstances.

Make you forget the technology to create mystery.

Too often, magic with smartphone is perceived as a simple digital sleight of hand based on a secret application or a technological tip. Result ? The spectator simply seeks the thing and the effects lack mystery and real impact.

This book takes the opposite view of this approach. Here, the smartphone is only a tool ... It is not at the heart of the effect and is mostly borrowed from the spectator! The routines offered in Blackout have been designed to use the iPhone indirectly so that the effects take place mainly between your mind and that of your spectators. What is left is the mystery, not the object!

A real bible of mentalism with smartphone.

This book is designed as an ultimate reference for those who want to transform an object of everyday life into a tool of fascination.

Blackout is nearly 400 pages of various routine, suitable for all levels and which have all been tested and refined on real spectators.

The effects are strong, direct and impactful: impossible predictions, reading pure thoughts, through influence, hallucination or even modification of memories, but also cards and even disappearance effects (imagine disappear from a selfie taken with a spectator). All this with iPhones most often borrowed and especially without the need to install the slightest application, nor use an avalanche of shortcuts to program.

And for those who are afraid of embarking on magic with smartphone, this book takes you by hand and guides you step by step through many illustrations ... Mentalism with smartphone has never been easier and accessible!

Hacke the spirit of the spectators.

Blackout is full of diabolical methods and principles that will allow you to hack the minds of your spectators!

You will discover in this magnificent book, around twenty varied routines, including some completely impromptu, addressing multiple aspects of mentalism and magic, as well as a chapter dedicated to theory that will allow you to enhance your performances. You will also learn an unprecedented forcing, a real alternative to the famous drug force. The book also includes an exclusive routine by Sylvain VIP and Maxime Schucht.

« Usually I hate magic with mobile phone ... But there I slapped on slap ... Quentin made me crazy with my own phone, and know that the routine "profiler" which uses the Facebook application of your spectator is worth ten times the price of this work! » -J.B Dumas


What type of smartphone is affected by Blackout?

The effects of this book are explained with an iPhone (iOS) as a reference, but you don't need to have one to make them. Indeed most laps use the viewer's smartphone, not yours! Everything is explained very detail to help people who are not on iPhone to interact with that of the spectator. Also, several routines are adaptable to the different brands and operating systems, thus offering you flexibility for a universal magic!

Is this book intended for people used to magic on smartphone?

No. This book is aimed at regulars as well as beginners. It was just thought out to make this type of magic accessible at all levels. Everything is explained and illustrated in detail to guide you step by step in the realization of the routines.

Are routines to be obsolete with regular smartphones updates?

It is unlikely. Blackout's effects have been thought of so as not to be dependent on operating systems updates. These routines have been part of Quentin Bouchardon's professional repertoire for years and mostly have been based on basic functions that have long been anchored in the general use of smartphones. The many effects present in the book are based on very different principles, which guarantees that an update will never affect all the routines. Finally, you will have access to an exclusive online area on which updates will be available if it was necessary for certain routines.

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