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Langue : English

Catégorie : Cards

Marque : Vanishing Inc.

Référence : NTHDEGREE

One of the most anticipated books of the last decade is now available.

Learn 26 sophisticated, practical and impactful effects one of the thinkers most innovative of the magic of the cards.

John Guastaferro broke into the stage in 2010 with the launch of his one degree book. This beloved text presented to the magic community the theory "One degree", signature of John, which explores how a small modification can often make the difference between an ordinary routine and an extraordinary routine. To date, One degree remains One of the best -selling books in Vanishing Inc. And magicians around the world have asked for a sequel ...

This day finally arrived with the release of NTH DEGREE. John spent more than a decade exploring the limits of the revolutionary concept "One degree". He refined these routines in front of real audiences to ensure that only the best of the best equipment is found in the pages of the NTH degree. Each of these effects is as entertaining as it is amazing.

"There are a few truly well -thinking magic islets scattered around the world. John Guastaferro occupies one of them." - Stephen Mind

Whether it is a refreshed version of a unique routine of its kind, interactive effects or even narcotic visual effects such as the disappearance of an idle bridge called "Double Vanish", John offers a large Fan of equipment for all skill levels and all styles of interpretation. He even found ways to amplify classics, such as adding an additional layer to "omni deck" with his routine "Crystal Clear" or his new amazing kicker for "How To Find Your Other Half" by Woody Aragon , where the eliminated parts are also matching.

"Just like someone who loves music can identify a Gershwin song, a person who loves magic can identify an effect by John Guastaferro. He's so good." - David Regal

Over these remarkable routines, you will discover a mixture of new versatile laps that can be added to your arsenal, such as the "Hands Off Half Pass" and the "Proximity Peek Control". Each chapter also ends with an essay that encourages reflection on precious subjects ranging from stimulating your own creativity to learning how to get you out of your own path. Everything is explained in the smallest detail and accompanied by clear photographs like rock water in this magnificent 158 ​​-page rigid cover work. The nth degree exudes the elegance and the quality that you are entitled to expect from books produced by Vanishing Inc.

"With the NTH Degree, John continues to raise the level. Exponentially!" - John Bannon

Those who seek to go to the next stage of their magic journey must first learn to exploit the value of a greater thought. Let yourself be guided by The Nth Degree by John Guastaferro.

Get your copy today!