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Langue : English

Catégorie :

Marque : Vanishing Inc.

Niveau : Easy enough

Référence : GLANCE3

The powerful and easy to make booktest that you can own is actually ... Not at all a booktest. Welcome to "Glance", the unique bookst Magazine (in English) that takes all the best elements of a standard book test and hides them in an ordinary appearance magazine.

The Booktest Magazine "Glance" is presented to you by Steve Thompson and Vanishing Inc. After being unavailable for a long time, "Glance" is now back with a new improved version 3.0, with fresh and modern covers and text modifications Based on the comments of magicians and mentalists like you!

You receive two different magazines in your set. Both are ready to use and are identical to the magazines you can find in any store. These harmless magazines are far from looking like magic accessories and are much more natural to transport than a strange book. And if you prefer different blankets, just less than 60 seconds to remove and replace them with a standard size blanket of your choice.

Here is what is happening:

Your assistant freely chooses one or the other magazine and opens it on the page of his choice. It may be an advertisement or an article. This is really a free choice. Once he stopped, he finds a long and difficult word anywhere on the page before closing the magazine.

Without ever needing to reopen the magazine, you can observe them and determine exactly the word they think about. You will not find a fairer and more powerful thinking of thinking than "glance".

Steve Thompson, with the explicit authorization of the creator Ted Karmilovich, took the emblematic "mother of all the Booktest" and integrated it transparently into an ordinary appearance magazine. It is so well done that you will never have to fear that your participant yours. Steve even went further by developing a clever alternative method, without fishing, which avoids having to pronounce the first letter of their word aloud.

As a bonus, for those who have the previous versions of "glance", the word bank remains the same in this new edition "Glance 3.0". This means that you can now offer up to 6 magazines to choose from (if you have the two previous versions) without any additional effort.

It is almost unfair for your audience to see how direct and powerful "glance" is. He only takes a few minutes to learn and addresses audiences of all sizes. There is no sleight of hand, short pages, glimpses or glances. There are also no applications, batteries or wifi that can break down in the worst time. They open the magazine, find a word and know it. It's as simple as that.

Nowhere you will find a professional quality booktest elsewhere at such an affordable price. Get the new improved version of "Glance 3.0" and find out why so many professional magicians consider it one of the best bookset you can have.