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Langue : Français

Bonus : -

Catégorie : Book test , Papier

Niveau : Facile

Référence : VRTX_STD


A new era of digital magic begins with VRTX by Guillaume Bellut & Eddy Bouchenak!

First effect (VRTX Basic and VRTX Full):

Imagine rather ...

You ask your spectator to write a country on paper, you focus and announce the country: JAMAICA ! The spectator answers in the negative, you tell him: Australia, the spectator always does not head, you announce the PERU ! Still no ... you tell him Uzbekistan ! …. No ! You announce to finish the NICARAGUA ! Apparently none of the countries corresponds, and yet ... if we look good:

  • JAmaic
  • HASUtralia
  • PErou
  • OUzbekistan
  • NIcaragua

The country JAPAN was formed by the first letter of all your revelations, the country of the spectator!

Second effect (VRTX Full):

And we can still go further ...

You arrive at the table of your spectators and you take out a checkout from your pocket, you put it on the table, you ask the spectator to imagine doing his shopping in a supermarket, you ask him to Stop within a radius and choose a row, the spectator announces that he chose row 5, you ask him to catch an imaginary article on this row. The spectator notes his article in the "note" part of the Magician's phone to allow him to show all the other guests the word he chose.

The magician takes up the ticket and shows him to the spectator to ask him if he sees the article he has chosen:

  • Raspberry
  • Yogurt
  • Cloth

The spectator answers: No! The magician asks him to remember that she stored, he had found her article, row 5? If we look at the fifth letter of each articles ...

  • FramBOises
  • YaouRTs
  • RaisIN
  • ConcludedOMbro
  • ScotCH
  • TorcHWe
  • AssiEHead

The word BUN appears, the article that the spectator had chosen ...

Third effect (VRTX Full):

You put a spectator on stage and you ask him to secretrose a die. You then ask him to write a word at random on a notebook. You ask other spectators to give you series of 2 numbers, which will allow someone to call at random ... 06 12 13 etc.

The phone rings and a person answers, you ask her if he can participate in an experience, you invite him to go get a book, and give you words at random:


The spectator who is on stage is invited to reveal the figure of the die he had chosen, the number 3 ...

  • ChHASNce
  • PrOJET

You will understand ... The third letter of each word shows the word chosen completely at random by the spectator: LOVE !

FAQ - VRTX with ease:

What is VRTX concretely and in what is it a powerful tool for mentalists?

VRTX is an application that generates acrosticians in a few seconds. This allows mentalists to create incredible revelations and strengthen their live effects. It is a quick, customizable and discreet tool, ideal for stunning performance!

What is an acrostic?

An acrostic is a word that forms by reading vertically each first letter of a word like below with the word Japan:

  • JAmaic
  • HASNgleterre
  • POrtugal
  • OUganda
  • NEPal

What is a quantified acrostic?

A quantified acrosticus follows the same principle as a classic acrostic, but it allows you to move the position of the revelation of the starting word to another location (between 1 and 6) to give a more mysterious appearance to the revelation.

For example if we take the first 3 letters of each word, it gives the word: love

  • ChHASNce
  • PrOJET

Does VRTX work on Android?

VRTX is only available on iOS.

What is the difference between VRTX Basic and VRTX Full?

  • VRTX BASIC Allows you to generate simple acrosticia by typing a word and choosing a dictionary (e.g. country or random) and send the result to a note in your phone with the list of words, you can also question Siri to announce the words.

  • VRTX Full Go much further: he can recover words from other applications (Lumen, Wikitest, Inject, Elips, Topix ...), choose from more dictionaries (eg first names, celebrities, destinations, objects ...) and send the result to Peeksmith , Siri, Hydra, etc.

How does VRTX Basic work in real situations?

Imagine that you ask a spectator to give you a word at random. In a second, VRTX generates a list of words related to this original word, which you can then reveal in a mysterious way (via a note or thanks to the Siri assistant).

How does VRTX Full work in real situations?

With VRTX Full, you can go even further!

  • Your spectator launches a connected dete that will influence the order of the words generated (if you do not have a connected dete, you can choose the location of the acrostic between 1 and 6 before performance).
  • Imagine that you get a word from another application like Inject, Lumen, Wikitest or Rainman Pro or other ... VRTX automatically recovers this word and generates an acrostic that you can reveal in writing looking at the words on your peeksmith, In your notes, or with Siri, or on your Instagram organic with Hydra, call a stranger who will name the right words to you (thanks to The application voila) and many other possibilities ... all this in the blink of an eye, making your performance even more impossible and impactful!

Does VRTX work without the internet?

Yes and no.

  • In basic mode, it works without the internet.
  • If you use API connections (e.g. recover a word from another application or send the words to another application), then a connection is necessary.

Is VRTX difficult to learn?

No way ! It only takes a few minutes to understand the basics and launch your first acrostic. For advanced features, a small training will suffice, but everything is explained in the app and in the VRTX community.

Why use a dice connected with VRTX?

With VRTX Full, you can use a connected dete (KMD White or Spotted DICE) to influence the position of your revelation in a subtle way. This adds an even more impressive effect to see impossible in your revelation.

Can we personalize VRTX?

Yes ! You can choose your own settings, use different dictionaries and send the results where you want.

Other questions?

Join the VRTX community and ask your questions, we will be delighted to help you!

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