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Catégorie : Cartes

Niveau : Facile

Référence : INCR

As you probably already know (or not), the classic card tour says "invisible game" has always been A fascinating tour.

However, the latter presents two faults. 

You cannot distribute it and must transport two card games (an invisible and a normal to continue on other effects).

"Incredible" by Christian Grace comes to change this:

- same scenario, but a playing cards normal. 
- Easy to make and is recovered in 5 seconds.
- Remove the two fake "Jokers" to finish completely clean. 
- Continue to make other laps with the same normal game!
- Examination and impossible

After carrying out this impossible prediction effect, you remove the gimmicks and distribute the game for examination. No pressure. Pure magic. Easy to make.
No technical movements.

Incredible works with a secret secret to everyone's sight, allowing beginners and pros to achieve this breathtaking effect in a few minutes.

A powerful mix of principles ...

Think beyond a turn. Incredible allows you to make an impeccable Brainwave effect, gently switch to a normal game or integrate it into your existing routines. It is not only an improvement, it is a revolution.

Incredible- an invisible game effect.

Christian Grace has created a simplified invisible game effect which allows you to make a similar miracle ... then give them the game. They can mix it. They can examine it. They can try to find the secret, but they will never succeed!

What makes it conscientable ... incredible?

It is not only examined, it is a normal game.
After revealing their card, you remove the two jokers nonchalantly, secretly getting rid of the gadgets. Now you are clean.
It's incredibly easy. No complex movements. No delicate manipulation towers. Just slide the gadgets in any game, and you are ready to turn the heads. This means that you can now have an invisible game type effect with the same game as the one you use for all your other laps.

Integrated prediction game. Show only one card at the start. They choose a card. It corresponds. At each. Screwed up. Times.

Bonus: Brainwave included since Appartementi allows you to make the Brainwave effect with the same configuration. It is the playing cards Invisible without more annoying moments like "I cannot distribute it". No more barriers between you and your audience.

Just incredible magic in a purest state!

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