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joao miranda

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Niveau : Easy enough

Référence : PRISONDECK

Prison Deck is one of the best accessories to have been designed in recent years! It is so versatile that it can be used in multiple ways to match your style of magic.

Imagine, you are playing and you just put the cards back in the card case. You give the box to the spectator and ask him to remove the cards ... It seems easy, right?

In fact, it's impossible. Your spectators will try with all their strength to remove the cards from the box but as we have said, it's impossible!

Prison Deck is extremely well done and will last a lifetime. It is very easy to use and can be taken everywhere with you because it does not take up an additional space.

So, if you want to have a little comedy in your act, remove someone's powers, or have a little follow -up in your act, Prison Deck is for you!

The +:

  •   Don't take up space
  •   Extremely versatile
  •   Very easy to use
  •   Built
  •   Very ingenious method

"I don't just like prison deck, but I'm going to use it for sure. As for all João's creations, prison security secret is very intelligent." - Dani Daortiz