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Langue : English

Catégorie :

Niveau : Easy enough

Référence : EQUALIZER

Hearing is one of our most important senses.

What if we could modify the perception?

João Miranda And his team developed, from scratch, a speaker system at the cutting edge of technology who will modify the reality of your spectator, allowing the magician to do what seems to be real magic.

Equalizer's sound quality is incredibly good. Even net sounds like a bell or the opening of a soda can become so realistic that it is difficult to say If it is a sound effect or a real sound!

Each Equalizer includes an internal micro-SD card reader, volume buttons, a three-position switch (to select different sounds), a main frontal action button (to read, pause or advance the tracks) and A personalized magnetic speaker High quality.

The unit has a programmable delay activation with vibration return, so that The interpreter is still in control.

The whole is delivered complete with:

  • Equalization unit
  • Micro SD card
  • USB adapter
  • 2 x connection cables
  • Faked music box
  • Svengali virgin card game
  • Magnetic belt support
  • Load connector
  • Buckle

To help you start, are taught in English Six effects including sounds recorded in the studio by professionals, designed specifically for each effect:

1. Music box:

The magician shows a metal crank music mechanism and places it inside his box. The spectator then selects a song and when the magician plays the music, she corresponds to the selection! For the grand finale, the music apparatus disappears without leaving any trace! (The equalizer is delivered with the metal music device, Gimmick, and its box and a set of Svengali virgin cards, so that the interpreter can personalize his own favorite song).

2. Divinatory bell:

A bell sounds all by itself, finding the chosen card. Everything can be examined, before and after!

3. Kicker - Disappearance of glass:

A classic revisited, where a drink passes through a table covered with a newspaper, but this time, the public "hears" the glass to be affected with a coin, just before it disappears without leaving a trace. ..

4. Disappearance card game:

The classic effect where a playing cards disappears, with the exception of the signed card. Thanks to Equalizer, the public will really believe that the whole game is in the hands of the magician since he will hear a stripping, which brings illusion to a completely different level.

5. Vanishing Matches (created by Miguel Pinto):

The magician opens a box of matches and asks the spectator to enter a match and sign it. The match is returned and mixed with the others. Suddenly, all the matches have disappeared as if by magic, with the exception of that signed by the spectator!

6. AM/FM radio:

The magician draws a radio on a small notepad. Incredibly, the latter plays the sound of a radio station! The magician can play or put on pause, according to his will, the sound from the pad. At the end, the notepad is shown completely empty and the drawing page can be distributed in memory!

Note: Please completely view the detailed instructions in English in + Tutorial FU before using the Gimmick, due to the number of options included.