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luca volpe

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Langue : French

Catégorie : Book

Marque : CC Éditions

Référence : SHABARA

After impromptu mentalism, here is a new mentalism book like no other signed Luca Volpe!

"Shabarà" Was written with a specific objective in mind: arouse your imagination and stimulate your creative process, to achieve an experience of mentalism that will deeply touch the spectators ...

This is the story of a very skeptical young woman, Elizabeth, who reluctantly decides to attend and participate in a mystical spectacle animated by a "modern times", named Shabarà. During this special evening, Elizabeth will have experiences that will completely upset her ...

In the pages of this book translated into French, you will not only find carefully thought out routines and explanations, but you will also be part of Elizabeth's extraordinary trip and you will find that The moments are greater than the methods ...

Shabarà will teach you how amazement, before you even choose the person who will assist you in your show, and you will discover how a beautiful scenario can Transform a simple idea into a very strong demonstration ...

If you are looking for the latest fashionable mentalist round, then this book is probably not for you ... but if you want to discover A complete show full of emotions, as well as Simple methods that will help you establish a deep connection with your audience, SO Shabarà Are you looking for! "

Features :

  • Rigid cover, sewn binding, bookmark, satin paper.
  • Book is in A5 format (14.8 cm × 21 cm)
  • Contains 100 pages.

What the pros say:

« This book is an invitation to experiment with other staging contexts ... A reading that can only be profitable for you ... » - Christian Chelman

« If it was possible, I would pay dear to attend the performance of Shabarà. I read the story twice before I dive into the explanations ... » - Richard Webster