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john guastaferro

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Langue : French

Catégorie : Book

Marque : CC Éditions

Référence : 8377

What happens if you heat water at 99 ° C? Nothing at all ... and if we add 1 ° C? So there the water changes its state. She starts to boil and turns into steam.

It is by this image that John Guastaferro approaches his magic: A very small change, The attention paid to a slight detail can completely change the impact of a magic routine. This is why his first book is called One more degree.

After the well -deserved success of this first book, John Guastaferro returns to us with his new book: On the way. If he takes up the fundamental principle of the importance of small details, he explains to us, that in addition, A magician has never finished thinking about improving his magic, that a magician should never stop, that he is always "on the way".

In this French book of a hundred pages, the author exhibits us Ten routines, chosen for their impact and the intelligence of their construction. He also shares Two short theoretical trials Who will help you think about improving your magic!