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red nist

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Langue : French

Catégorie : Cards

Marque : 3 Monkeys Publishing

Référence : REDEMPTION

Discover the bewitching universe of Grenoble magician Red Nist, a virtuoso of magic from an early age. Passionate about cartomagie, he mastered subtle and refined manipulations with finesse. But what really distinguishes it is its ingenious use of psychology, for Create real miracles that even mystify the most experienced magicians.

In his book, Red Nist lifts the veil on his creations, from a timeless quest, that of purity, where gestures and words allow simple and captivating effects, giving this feeling of magic that we all like to feel.

Beyond the effects and methods, you will discover the stories and anecdotes behind each trick, but also the artist's creative process, his reflection and the evolution of his towers ... You will discover the subtle art of manipulating the Maps and minds, where psychology is used to change the perception of spectators and techniques are limited to the strict minimum, in a single goal, the wonder of the public.

Join us for a unique experience and let yourself be carried away by the fascinating art of Red Nist!

What the pros say:

"Red Nist is a formidable strategist of cartomagie. In his routines, the slightest gesture is justified. And the magical principles implemented are confusing. M evil will be the one who will find them ..." - Jean-Pierre HORNECKER

“If I have to summarize the idea I have of red Nist in one sentence is that he likes to abuse his spectator, but with a calm and respect that hide a devil behind a cherub head. ” - Markobi

Effects :

Pure ambition: A purest ambitious ambitious card effect that you will have never seen.

Jokers love sandwiches: A sandwich routine with an unexpected final.

The mystery of the mime: An invisible game version without rigged and very entertaining play for your audience

Invisible dice: A beautiful version of the card with a very easy number to do with the principle of invisible dice.

Totally psychedelic: A simple routine where chance will allow us to find the spectator's card.

The devil is under the table: This tour is a nugget! The spectator will be the magician by doing everything ... under the table! Indeed, he chooses a card, loses it and eliminates all the cards except his.

Technical sheet :

  • Category: Magic of cards.
  • Number of pages: 56
  • Weight : 0.25 kg / 0.55 lbs
  • Dimensions: 16x24cm/6.3x9
  • Publication year: 2024
  • Writing: Red Nist
  • Layout : Florian Weiss
  • Rereading: Red Nist / J.P. Hornecker