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roberto giobbi

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Langue : French

Catégorie : Cards

Marque : CC Éditions

Référence : 10021

The magic of cards represents an essential part of our art. 

Whether they are presented by our grandfather during a family evening or by the biggest magician in the world on television, some cards have left us an unforgettable memory, to the point of wanting to learn to do the same thing ...

But how to do it ? The magic of cards is deemed to be difficult ... It requires a lot of technique, a lot of dexterity and a lot of work, right?

Not necessarily…

A few years ago, Roberto Giobbi, a global reference in cartomagie, published three essential books: Roberto Light, Roberto Extra Light and Roberto Super Light, devoted to the magic of professional cards without dexterity.

These books have been very successful and are finally available again, gathered in a single large volume ...

Containing more than 400 pages, the 'Book '96 Grams' is a real Bible for those who want to start being able to quickly present professional cards with high impact!

Each round described in this book is easy to present from a technical point of view, allowing you to deploy all your efforts in the presentation.

If you are a novice in magic of the cards, you will find in 96 grams of the towers that you can present the same evening, and which can squarely amazed the seasoned magicians! If you are an informed cartoon, you will find in this work new effects to put in your repertoire, some largely more stunning than more technical towers ...

The work is made up of three parts:

Roberto Light:

Ready -to -use routines!

The towers presented in this book were grouped in groups of three. These groups are not made at random, but are on the contrary planned so that the towers are linked naturally, each preparing the next ... These are real "routines" that go hand in hand, each routine representing about twenty minutes professional magic ... and all that with a simple playing cards, Without manipulation, without preparation! ... The magic of cards will never have seemed so easy or so impressive to you! ...

Roberto Extra Light:

This part consists of four chapters. The laps are thought to have an effect of each of the first three chapters, you get a small program of about fifteen minutes, which is linked perfectly ... Vary the combinations and you will have as many small shows "ready to different use! The fourth chapter, meanwhile, is devoted to the organization of a cartomagic program (structure, effect categories, towers management, etc.) and will help you think about how to present a better magic!

Roberto Super Light:

In this part of the effects as strong and incomprehensible as the previous ones! The introduction also explains the recipe of Paul Bocuse eggs on the dish ... (rightly! You will understand why by reading the introduction ...)

A book for all! 

For all those who never make cards: this book will be an opportunity to learn strong and effective routines, which require no manipulation, and whose impact depends only on the presentation ...

For informed cartomans: adding here and there a false cut or a false mixture, You will make these towers based on devilish tricks even more mysterious, which will then my own even the experts ..!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Un livre simple à prendre en main (sans jeu de mots), l'angage clair, précis et agréable à lire. Les effets sont de qualité sans jamais être acrobatiques. Certains sont déjà dans mon répertoire. Je recommande vivement.