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After more than a year of preparation, UK Magic Studios is proud to present the Blue Skye Playing Cards.

In 2017, the creative spirit of Victoria Skye unleashed the world. Based on a classic illusion, his vision of Wall coffee has become viral on Facebook and in the press. With millions of likes, sharing, it was difficult not to like this incredible work of art.

Marc Lavelle by UK Magic Studios has set himself the goal of transforming this work of art into a card drawing to play. With the permission of Victoria, the Blue Skye playing cards are finally ready to be appreciated by all.

Printed the USPCC, the game has impressive aspects designed for magicians and cardists.

Some of the features include:

A one -way natural back
An anamorphic illusion built on one of the jokers
A double red / blue back
A personalized anamorphic stake ace
A copy of the Ace of Pique with an integrated revelation
Standard faces to use with visible face gadgets available commercially

You will love to use this incredible and creative game!