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Catégorie : Brand

Référence : NEURALMIR

Welcome to the future ...

A future where mind and material are only one thanks to incredible and unprecedented technology. Imagine a unique mental experience, a neural miracle connecting your thoughts to a playing cards unique, allowing an unprecedented vision and ...

Ah, I can't continue like this. My name is Phill, I understand magic (it's a real job, believe me) and here is the neural miracle - I know, it is not written on the image, I will explain to you why later. The neural miracle is an easy magic turn with a fun story and surprising to tell. In the Tour, you put an intelligent silicone bracelet which (in history) is digitally connected to playing cards, directly connecting them to your brain thanks to a neural interface. Once connected, you can know everything about the cards. You can mix and cut the cards and you will know which is the top card, which is the top card, the spectators can name a number and you can tell them which card is in this position. They can name aces and you can tell them where exactly is in the game each ace named, you can tell them where the pair of the top card is, you can even spell cards from anywhere in the game ... it's a miracle !

And if that is not enough, you can even ask the public to think of a card he has just spotted in the game, and when he hits his phone on the neural interface bracelet, a message will appear at the screen to give him the name of the card he has just thought.

Of course, the way it works "is not" that you have this first incredible and impossible neural interface in the world which connects directly to your brain - it looks like it, but the real method is much simpler. THE playing cards Intelligently designed does the job for you, as well as the simple bracelet (which is not really a neural interface - this is only part of the story, but which can really send information on the screen of A mobile phone that we type against him) - you don't need to be a master magician or an expert in sleight of hand: this tour is what the magicians call an automatic turn. This means that when you know how it works, and when you have practiced a bunch of times, then you can go around exactly as I do in the video. It's a great tour, and because it is so easy to make, you can focus on the pleasure of your audience, your friends and your family, your colleagues, your customers, all those to whom You want to please.

Why is it called neurral miracle and not ...?

Why does this tour not be called the name of the game you see in the video and in the photos? Well, if you are like me, if someone showed you this turn, and you think it could be real, the first thing you would do would be to look for it on Google! If the first result on Google was this page, it would give an idea of ​​the game, which is why I am very careful not to use the name of the brand of playing cards in the text here. If you talk about playing cards Online with someone, it would be really great if you could do the same.

What does it do playing cards ?

First of all, the game does almost all the work (you don't really need the bracelet, except for the final revelation). It is not connected to your brain, but it can give you a lot of information in a very simple way. You can cut the cards anywhere and immediately know:

  • What is the top card
  • What is the bottom card
  • Cards located in any of the 12 higher positions
  • The position of all AS named in the game
  • The position of the pair of the top card
  • The card you can spell.

There is no need to train to be able to do this, and you don't need to do all the routine as in the video, demonstrating absolutely everything at once - in fact, it is More fun to spread it on several performances - it makes the very convincing.

What is the bracelet doing?

Well, he does what he says in the video-you type an NFC compatible phone (that is to say most of the phones) against the bracelet, and he sends a message like the one you see in the clip . How does he know what card spectators think? Well, this is the magic part - and I will teach you a lot of very easy and infallible methods in the PDF and the video. Note: If you have an iPhone, there are a little more manipulation to do so that it works, but it's simple and I explain everything to you. If you want to use your phone to make this turn, it is your responsibility to check if it is able to read the NFC chips.

Is this neural interface real?

I was a little afraid that someone would complain and ask to be reimbursed because what he received is not a real neural interface, or that the playing cards is not "digitally connected" (whatever this means!). THE playing cards And the bracelet are accessories that allow the turn to operate, they are both special and unique in their own way, but they are not a neural interface and a playing cards Special digital - If it was, this project would cost much more.