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eric stevens

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Langue : Anglais

Bonus : Explications vidéo en Français

Catégorie : Paddles

Marque : Alakazam Magic

Niveau : Facile

Référence : STIXX

Discover Stixx exclusively at Magic Dream!

Eric Stevens is the undisputed master of the classic hot rod, and in this special project designed with Alakazam Magic, he reveals his latest and best creation, transforming this Visual effect in breathtaking routines.

Eric does not neglect any detail And teaches you with Alakazam Magic all the movements, advice and tips that he uses when he performs with this incredible accessory.

But Stixx is much more than routines ...

Eric has redrawn the accessory, eliminating the awkward & hazardous selection of colors - the selection of colors is now quite right! Moreover, Stixx is the most complete hot rod set ever created, with Eric's transparent stick, which he uses to visually disappear the colors of the Hot Rod before completely disappearing the stick.

The legendary Craig Petty joined Eric on this project and presented routines and manipulations he used during his representations with this incredible set, for more than a year!

The magnificent Stixx project Includes five hot rods designed to measure and a complete and in -depth video tutorial of several hours in English, which includes an update of the original color stix routine from Eric.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Pierre (Paris, FR)
Matériel moderne pour un tour classtixx!

A un bémol près, l'idéal pour ceux qui aiment relire certaines
merveilles du passé. Beaux "moves" à travailler, couleurs vives
mais pas trop, matériel maniable. Le "bémol" que je mentionnais
plus haut est que vous aurez peut-être un peu de mal
à extraire l'un ou l'autre des éléments de son emplacement,
parfois trop étroit. Petite astuce perso: plutôt que d'abîmer la boîte,
utilisez une minuscule pince (à épiler, par exemple),
et allez-y doucement, ça marche!
Sinon, de l'authentique et superbe magie pour l'oeil du spectateur!

Franck L. (Palaiseau, FR)

Difficulté à sortir les rods de leur boite