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[Live] Revue des Tours de Magic: Rose Act - Wow Cube - Ring atmosphere - Franken Doh!

by Grégory Tannugi
[Live] Revue des Tours de Magic: Rose Act - Wow Cube - Ring atmosphere - Franken Doh!

Everything about pink magic tricks Act - Wow Cube - Ring atmosphere - Franken Doh!

In this article, we come back in detail on four magic laps available to Magic Dream: Rose Act, the tour of 300 million views on social networks that marked the history of magic. Wow Cube, the incredible tool for magic fans with Rubik’s Cube. Ring atmosphere, the perfect illusion for your ring routine. Franken Doh, the most original hand used during parts.


Magic Dream Live:

Max & Alexis offer you in this video available inreplay A presentation of the products mentioned throughout the article.

Live of 28/11/2019

Rose Act (silver or gold)

ROSE ACT is a turn that will allow you to realize The number of Will Tsai seen in incredible talent. The jury described him as "the best close-up tour seen during their lifetime". The latter has 300 million views, all social networks combined. He made Will Tsai one of the best paid magicians of the 21stth century and has forever marked the history of magic. This product exists in two colors: silver or gold. It is reserved for serious magicians who will respect the rules of use and dissemination. Well assimilated, we believe that Rose Act can be an unprecedented source of inspiration to create a masterpiece that suits you!


Wow cube

Wow cube is a turn designed by M. Masuda and Syouma. It is an idea that extends the magic possibilities of the cube and with a very effective visual power. The idea behind this concept is as follows:

Step 1: The spectator mixes your Rubik’s Cube, out of his box, As much as he wishes.
Step 2: You replace the disarticulated cube in its box. One side of the box is transparent and So you can see inside.
Step 3: You slowly shake the box by putting a little effect; The colors of the cube change In front of the amazed eyes of the spectators and all the colors on the side become the same.
Step 4: You remove the cube from its box and reveal the other faces which have also been resolved.

Wow Cube is available on the Magic Dream website with explanatory video!


Ring atmosphere

Ring atmosphere is a portable and modernized version of the famous optical illusion "the ambiguous cylinder"

Depending on the angles, the ring can be perceived by the spectator as a circle or a square. The illusion allows you to initiate conversation and can even be applied to your favorite ring routine.

You will find at Magic Dream the silver and black colors in stainless steel as well as the matching necklace.


Franken Doh!

Franken Doh! is a tour that seduced us. Sold out at Blackpool 2019, it is now available on the Magic Dream website.

If you are looking for an original, complete, accessible turn to all age groups, available in all languages ​​and simply magical: Franken Doh! is made for you.

Inspired by the idea "Little Hand by Bob Farmer", the turn works with euros and will be delivered with everything you need to amuse your spectators!


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See you soon on the blog for a new review of Tours.


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