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[Live] Revue des Tours de Magic: Bare Mini - Click - Crystal Car - Corleone Dice - The Bitcoin

by Grégory Tannugi
[Live] Revue des Tours de Magic: Bare Mini - Click - Crystal Car - Corleone Dice - The Bitcoin

Everything about magic tricks Bare Mini - Click - Crystal Car - Corleone Dice - The Bitcoin.

In this article, we come back in detail on five magic laps available to Magic Dream: Bare Mini, a successful lap which makes it possible to reveal a card, initials or a figure on the spectator's hand! Click, ideal for predicting the spectator's future and thoughts with a photo. Crystal car, the magic car that will independently find the spectator's card. Corleone Dice, a magnificent game of dice in full set, at very low prices. Bitcoin, a set of three pieces for a modern approach to the magic of parts and a storytelling reinforced.


Magic Dream Live:

Max & Alexis offer you in this video available in replay A presentation of the products mentioned throughout the article.

Live from 11/12/2019

Bare Mini

 A version of the Tour Bare Delivered with a mini Sharpie and a small can to transport everything on a keychain. The effect of Bare Mini consists in pouring the choice of ground coffee, sand or salt on the back of the spectator's hand; When you rub, the card chosen, initials or a number will appear. Two major advantages: the tour requires no preliminary preparation with the spectator and the traces are very easily erased! The explanations will be added to your Magic Dream customer area as soon as purchasing.


            Click is a clever and original tool developed by Manoj Kaushal. Thanks to this turn, you can "predict the future" - the spectator's thoughts, with a photo. In fact, the prediction East a photo. The idea behind this number is as follows:

Step 1: You ask the spectator to think very much about something.
Step 2: You repetition that the envelope placed on the table has been from the start, and well in sight.
Step 3: You take out the photo of the envelope that has not moved and it corresponds exactly to the spectator's thought!


  • The prediction is inside the photo, possibility of passing the fingers on it.
  • The prediction can be words, symbols, names, numbers ...

Crystal car

            Crystal car has long been unavailable to sell. This jewel is now back in stock and the effect it allows to make always impresses as much! A fully transparent car finds a card posed from the front and chosen freely by the viewer upstream. The ingenuity is based on several points:

  • It is the spectator who throws the car in his race by pushing it with his fingertips,
  • We can have an object choose rather than a card and the principle remains the same,
  • The tour is very easy to achieve for our greatest pleasure and that of playful spectators!

Corleone Dice

            Corleone Dice is a game of dice created by Léo Smetsers for magicians. The whole is delivered with a pretty box that includes two 19 mm dice, one contains two powerful neodymium magnets, the other is lambda.

Perfect for use with a CHOP CUP, such as in a KUROTSUKE style routine with magnet detector (Sixth Sense or Flux type). Possibility to force the numbers two or five.

In short, a beautiful set of dice at enticing prices!

The Bitcoin (gold or silver)

            The bitcoin de Sansminds is a modern approach to the magic of the pieces. Rather than telling cracks (pieces that belonged to my grandfather, etc.), you will just have to put one of these three pieces on the table and the object will be talked about because it is intriguing and sumptuous . After animating exchanges and announced knowing how to make magic, the public will look forward to discovering your routines. Available in two colors (gold or silver), this set of parts is to be tested urgently in real conditions for those who love this type of magic!


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See you soon on the blog for a new review of Tours.


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