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In the fall of 2022, we successfully led a Kickstarter campaign for a new series of butterfly playing cards, the Workers edition. The classic butterfly pattern is now surrounded by a white border.

Thanks to their versatility, the played playing cards remain the main choice of magicians. They are perfectly suitable for the effects of sandwich and triumph and allow to hide the multiple reversals of cards.

It has been a long time since we wanted to print butterfly playing cards with the United States Playing Cards Company. The butterfly workers have created the perfect opportunity to do so.

We have chosen what we consider as the best USPC support - the crushed premium support. It gives cards an excellent mixture of rigidity, flexibility and sustainability.

The faces have a classic USPC design with an adjusted and unidirectional color scheme. The four aces have a large flower in the center.

USPC's Faro Butterfly Workers goes back on the back.

Each butterfly workers game is accompanied by an instructions and a link to a 30 -minute tutorial. This tutorial explains the marking system and offers ideas to make tricks with cards marked. Each game is also accompanied by a double-backer.