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henry harrius

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Marque : Henry Harrius

Référence : RUBIKDREAM360

RD 360 by Henry Harrius could well be the "saint grail" of magic Rubik's Cube.

This "incredible shell" adapts to a Rubik's Cube and locks once in place, so that even a spectator can hold it and you can even mix a floor of the cube with the shell on it.

How is it possible ?

Henry Harrius created "RD"In 2017.

He improves it today with this new shell which is the ideal companion of the original. The 70 -minute English tutorial has 8 new routines, including Akira Solve, which is a visual madness.

From this only shell, you can build the perfect routine: The spectator mixes a Rubik's Cube, you place it in a paper bag, then the spectator takes out the cube which is ... resolved.

Of course, the bag is shown empty.

You receive :

- RD - Gimmick Handmade of 360 Editing.
- A normal cube (the first cube specially designed for magicians).
- A set of stickers (including Lots of extras).
- Complete video instructions, in English.
- Access a Facebook group for all members of RD And RD - 360 Editing.

What the pros say:

"This is the best device really useful for the magic of the cube that I have never seen, I add it to my show today!" - Steven Brunder

"I love all Henry's work, it's beautiful, visual and practical. I can not wait to see RD - 360 Editing." - Shin Lim

"Rubik's Dream - 360 Editing is certainly one of the best answers, your audience will feel a real magical moment." - Takamiz Usui

"Henry Harrius The fact again! The 360 ​​-degree shell makes the magic of the cube so misleading while making it even simpler." - Karl eh

"It's incredible, a perfect solution that opens up new doors for the magic of the cube ... Well done !" - Nicholas Lawrence