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yoan tanuji

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Catégorie : Book test

Marque : Magic Dream

Niveau : Easy enough



David Stone Words is an original book test designed by Yoan Tanuji & Stéphane Guekko.

The effect:

A spectator takes a book of mixed words and opens it on any page. He visualizes a word in the grid and memorizes it. A few seconds of concentration are enough for the mentalist to guess the word chosen!

But the experience does not stop there ...

Thanks to the “Mixed Test words”, you are able to renew this thought reading As many times as you wish and with other words. You will even go so far as to reveal, without difficulty, The letter located just after the word chosen Among the 100 grids of the magazine!

In the end, the mentalist will be able to Reproduce the whole chosen grid by the spectator, at a phenomenal speed And that under the eyes of the spectators !!!

With this "words mixed test" you receive:
-Two journals of 100 pages each of the words mixed specially designed for this "MELES TEST WORDS" (Precision: when launching the Tour, it was provided with 3 journals, only 2 are now available).
- an explanatory notice of 23 pages downloadable in PDF.