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axel vergnaud

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Langue : French

Catégorie : Cards

Niveau : Easy enough


Axel Vergnaud struck hard with this brand new creation!

Axel is notably known for having created Kraft, Etna, Room 66, Spirit Name Tag and other towers sold at Magic Dream.

Visual-Struck is a cleverly designed note that allows any drawing, figure or word to be traveling.

It also allows you to do words, drawing, card and also reveal a signed card, ticket, candy and many others. 

Visual-Struck is more than a simple magic round, it is an accessory allowing you to make an countless number of effects.

Imagine a drawing that visually disappears from the post-it to find it on the back of a chosen card and signed by the spectator. 

Even stronger, imagine combining the Tour of Liam Montier's Stickman to visually travel the drawing!

Draw a map on the post-it and it will turn into the spectator's signed card. 

This is only a very small part of what you can accomplish with Visual-Struck ...

What the pros say:

'' It’s a powerful tool with a lot of applications, i like it. '' -Bill Cheung

'' Wow.  Impressed.  Possibilities are endless.  Visual-Struck Will Stick with you '' -Michel Huot

"I'm a pov lover as well. I alway have it and a post note in my pockets. I'm happy to see more post note gimmick release, so I have more weapons." -Hondo Chen

Strong points :

  • Complete, ready to use. 
  • Super visual 
  • Reset in 2 seconds 
  • Customizable at will
  • Sustainable gimmick for life
  • No special ink 
  • No fake pen 
  • Killers effects delivered turnkey in hand
  • A tool with multiple applications
  • Easily adaptable to your audience (age, language, etc.)

Thanks to Garret Thomas and Henry Harrius for the ideas of routines and advice.