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michal kociolek

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Langue : English

Catégorie : Billets

Marque : Vanishing Inc.

Niveau : Easy enough

Référence : STRATIS

The effect:

Their signed ticket appears between the diapers of a playing card!

You read correctly. A ticket is borrowed from someone in the public and signed to make sure that it cannot be exchanged for a duplicate.

After making the ticket disappear, you then reveal that it is reappeared in a really impossible place.

The top of a playing card is torn to show that, between the different layers of paper that make up the front and back of their card is their ticket.

They can immediately take it back, leaving them a unique memory of its kind which guarantees that they will never forget the incredible experience in which they have just taken part!

Presented by Michal Kociolek, Roman Slomka and Vanishing Inc., here is "Stratis".

You don't need to change tickets or use double signatures. The ticket that is found between the diapers of their card is truly theirs. They are invited to examine both the card and the ticket at the end, or even keep them if they wish!

If you do not want to use a ticket, you can also use a coin or any other flat object.

You will learn everything you need to get the most out of "stratis" in the explanatory video provided in English via the printed codes on the packaging.

A very intelligent and versatile tool that you do street magic, whether you are a worker accustomed to professional close-up or that you just like to receive friends during parties, you will love "stratis"!

Note: Although it is possible to use polymer tickets, this is not recommended. Instead, those who live in countries that use this style of ticket should rather try to use a coin or other flat object when executing "stratis".