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Langue : Anglais

Bonus : Explications vidéo en Français

Catégorie : Cartes

Marque : Penguin Magic

Niveau : Assez facile


The card pliers you wear on you to protect your precious boxes is now a useful accessory for disappearances, transformations and even teleportations. Magic has taken hold of you on a daily basis.

A classic revisited as the only Nicholas Lawrence can do it, here is The Vanishing Card Case.

The effect:

You go out a playing cards From your pocket and you show that it is locked in a solid clip to protect it from the rigors of daily life. You take out the clip box and launch a small challenge to your spectators. Can they name the color of the card protector? Black. They are right. Can they name the color of playing cards ? Red. They are once again right. The cards are put back in the guard box, and for the last question, have they seen the jump cards? It is then that you open your hands to reveal that the cards have completely disappeared and are reappeared in your pocket. You can then get into your favorite routines.

Vanishing Card Case is an update of a classic effect found in magic stores around the world. The card pliers quickly became standard accessories for all those who are familiar with playing cards or money games. This Gimmickée specially pliers was designed to be simple and elegant while hiding an insane secret. Craig Petty's box and tutorial offer you several complete routines ready to be executed. Use the gimmick to make the cards disappear, have them changed color and even have them teleport to your order. Use it as a unique moment in a longer routine or as a rapid disappearance and tape-à-l'oeil.

Whatever your performance style, the Vanishing Card Case will find its place in your pocket.

What the pros say:

"The disappearing card case is a classic effect brought up to date and the visuals are so much better! I need one! It's so organic! I adore." - Chris Congreave

"A smart, clean and classy effect! A good way to open, close or just a fun effect to put in your Close Up number! I want one! " - Nikola Arkane

"I love this effect! So intelligent and so misleading. A classic that is reborn. " - Roddy McGhie

"When I saw the vanish, I immediately felt transported at the age of 5, seeing the original version. Nicholas has created the perfect visual evolution of the classic effect, integrated into an object that we all know. And the routines included make it a justified and interesting accessory, which is a revolution in itself! I am very enthusiastic about starting to use it in my close up set! " - Judah Gabriel

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
olivier .. (La Rochelle, FR)
vanishing card case

gimmick bien pensé , avec cette version on est pas limité qu'à un seul effet et l'explication vidéo et de bonne qualité et bien détaillé .