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Langue : English

Catégorie : Wallets

Marque : TCC

Niveau : Advance


The Into portfolio is back, in a new version: first quality leather!

A new but familiar design ...

Two years ago, TCC Presents launched The Edge Wallet, a card tool with a simple but powerful wallet that inaugurated a new era for this type of accessories.

It was no longer necessary to worry about the complexity of the portfolio structure, which could have hindered secret operations, or the fact that the wallet could only be used for magic shows and could not be used as an ordinary portfolio.

It was a wonderful combination of modern and trendy minimalist magic wallets.

The main feature of the Edge portfolio was the wallet card function, but it could also be used as a PEEK device. Nevertheless, as the function was only a auxiliary function, it was not as efficient as other wallets whose main function was the glance.

And if there was a portfolio capable of implementing several inspection methods, while ensuring a fluid and flawless transfer from the card to the portfolio, would it not be the best of both worlds?

This is how the brother of the Edge portfolio was born. Its designer, Mr. Shaobo, baptized it Into Wallet.

3 Peek methods: 

There are three ways to see the ticket or the hidden playing card. In addition to the two best known methods, there is a method that is rarely seen in other wallets.

The card can be folded once and placed in the non -transparent slit, and the magician can always get a look.

One of the essential points of Peeking is that the public does not even suspect that the magician has the possibility of getting a look. Folding the card in two helps to further reduce the suspicions of the public.

In addition, there are three cards slots at the front, which can all be used to get a look, and each has different subtleties.

From card to wallet

The Wallet Into has been completely redrawn in terms of structure and function, but it has also kept the functionalities card card of the Edge Wallet: no passage from the Palmaire card to the portfolio, from the card to the cover of Identity and from the card to the envelope.

The difference is that in order to increase the capacity of the wallet, the design diagonally on the back of the Edge Wallet has been modified.

In addition, the high loading mechanism has also been modified and a guide is no longer necessary for gentle loading.

Additional details

In order to combine the magic characteristics with the practical appearance of an everyday portfolio, the design and the appearance of Into Wallet have also been modified many times. The final design has several cards slots at the front and rear.

  • The interior space is no longer made up of a single compartment, but is divided into two parts by a separator which works as follows:
  • One of the compartments can be used to transport current objects such as cash, without interfering with the functions of passing a card to a wallet and research.
  • The separator mainly covers the gimmick, which allows you to flash safely the interior of the wallet (without it being necessarily necessary).
  • In addition to the wallet itself, the full package also includes envelopes, tickets, an identification pocket, etc. So that you can immediately start to train and use your wallet during your shows as soon as you receive it.
  • Three PEEK, including a PEEK of a folded card.
  • Three methods of passing the card to the portfolio to meet various occasions.
  • Greater capacity, more storage, more possibilities.
  • Includes envelopes, tickets and an identification pocket.
  • Online instruction video in English.