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steve langston

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Langue : Anglais

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Catégorie : Cartes

Marque : Penguin Magic


Perform the torn and reconstituted piece of part by the wildest piece you have ever seen.

Not only is a signed card torn and reconstructed, but a piece of the map is recovered from itself.

This effect gives you the impression of having power on the matter itself.

It is Corner Piece by Steve Langston & Sean Ridgeway.

The effect:

Only one card to play is torn into four separate pieces. The pieces are affected together one by one, and the torn edges instantly merge. The last piece is touched a little too high and is obviously dislodged. Then, it visually slides along the edge of the map and recovers in its place, where the last edge is reconstituted. The card can then be distributed for an immediate examination.

Corner Piece brings the classic effect of the torn and reconstructed card by piece by piece to the upper level. The gadgets you receive are durable and allow the merged card to move by itself to complete the catering. Steve and Sean have done an incredible job to develop this effect, so that not only are the restorations clear, but that they lead you to success. It is a real workhorse that has been part of their repertoire for years and has proven itself in real conditions of spectacle. It is the effect of tear and restoration that your audience will speak for years.

Here is Corner Piece by Steve Langston, Sean Ridgeway & Penguin Magic!

What the pros say:

"It is the restoration by the cleanest and the easiest piece I have ever seen and the end result is incredible!" »» - Brent Braun

“It is a special effect made before your eyes. The last piece is pure genius and will breathe them. I saw Steve realize it several times and I was even more perplexed. It will appeal to everyone. »» - Christophe Fouquet

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