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Référence : THINK

The Think book. From Clément Di Natale is now officially available after a card at the 2025 meeting congress!  A Magic Dream exclusivity (CAUTION: Ultra-limited stock)!
Think. is not just a book. It’s a real repertoire of 9 Mentins of mentalism, thoughts and built for real performance, on the ground.
In Think., You will discover the approach of Clément Di Natale, a minimalist, direct and impactful mentalism, where the effect takes precedence over complexity. The objective: to allow you to achieve professional effects without depending on specialized equipment. In most cases, your phone or nothing at all is enough.
Here is an overview of what you will learn:
• N-Peek: A quick, simple and invisible PEEK only using your phone. The spectator thinks of a first name - you guess without the use of the phone seeing suspicious. Ideal for dark environments or when you have nothing about you.
• DPW: An innovative approach to the Pocket Writing. The spectator thinks of something, and you reveal it via a photo present in your phone ... with a date prior to your meeting. No application. An impossible prediction effect.
• TIC-TAC-TOE X: An enriched version of the famous Morpion routine. Not only do you predict equality, but the spectator can then modify the game to win ... and you also predict this new arrangement.
• Starry Sky: A divination of the 100% Propless astrological sign, without a complex, fast and elegant anagram. One of the most natural effects of your repertoire.
• PCD: A Propless routine in three phases that allows you to reveal the spectator's telephone code. No accessory required, only his phone.
• Time & Souvenir: A powerful routine mixing emotions and impact. Two spectators participate. You guess an hour thought, then reveal the name of a person dear to one of them. Ideal for close-up.
• Branded Mentalism: a revisit of the effect of the ITHUMP calculator, but with a simple playing cards. You predict a series of chosen cards, and this prediction can also reveal a first name or a brand. A 100% customizable effect, adaptable to your audience.
• Resonance: A completely original PK Touch routine, with an unprecedented construction. A new way of approaching this classic effect, with a surprising twist.
Think. Addresses mentalists who are looking for strong, simple to set up, and designed to create highlights with their audience.

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