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quique marduk

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Référence : HUMAN

This effect is based on a tour of Jim Steinmayer, published in his excellent book "Conjuring Anthology". Despite the substantial differences with the Tour of Jim Steinmayer, Quique Marduk asked Jim Steinmayer to put his own version on the market, which was generously granted.
Effect :
The magician asks three spectators to help him and shows them three notebooks with the usual drawings of slot machines. An envelope with a prediction is also introduced.
Each assistant chooses one of the notebooks and hung him in front of his chest (using a cord attached to each block).
The magician asks the first two spectators to place their left arm on the shoulder of the one next to him and asks the third spectator to extend his left arm in the air by imitating the lever of a slot machine.
Then, the magician will move the arm of the third spectator, as if it were a lever of a slot machine, and each of the spectators opens his notepad on any page using his right hand. Each pad will display a slot machine icon.
The magician opens the envelope and the prediction corresponds to each icon of the notepad of spectators!
Very easy to do
Small Play Big Pack
Comic mentalism.
You receive :
3 special printed notepads.
Prediction printed in A4 format.
DVD with routines and explanations in English and Spanish.
A link to download the prediction file in English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese and without text.